Surrogacy Stories…. Caz

Say hello to Caz, a resident of Chester and mum to a fabulous grown-up daughter.

Caz is no ordinary woman; she’s a true superhero, a beacon of hope for those yearning for a family.

With the support of Surrogacy UK, she’s filled the lives of four families with immeasurable joy, having been a straight surrogate a whopping five times.

From the earliest days she can recall, Caz had her heart set on one thing – being a mum to a daughter. Despite attending a private school with expectations of pursuing university, Caz’s maternal instincts took the wheel. University happened, sure, but in her third year, while working in sunny Spain, she delightedly welcomed her beautiful daughter, Aimee, into the world.

Caz’s parents initially expressed some hesitation as they hadn’t been privy to her plans to conceive, but their apprehension soon made way for unbridled excitement. In particular, Caz’s mum was absolutely thrilled to take on the role of a grandmother!

Fast-forward eight years, and Caz found herself unable to resist the tug of surrogacy. Her interest was piqued as a teenager, having been exposed to documentaries highlighting the heart-wrenching challenges faced by those struggling with fertility issues. Deeply moved, she found herself committed to aiding those unable to naturally conceive.

What’s refreshing about Caz is her unabashed honesty; she freely admits to having embarked on her surrogacy journey for slightly selfish reasons. See, she craved the experience of pregnancy, but had no intentions of expanding her own family. Seemed like a win-win situation, right?

Although she knew she’d never have any more biological children, the thought of carrying a baby for someone else was incredibly appealing, knowing that they would take on the responsibility of raising the child.

Caz joined SurrogacyUK a decade ago when it was a much smaller entity, swiftly connecting with prospective parents on the old-school message boards. A bond seemed to spark almost instantly with a couple from Loughborough; there were shared interests and a sense of understanding (Liz, one half of the couple, is Spanish, and Caz had majored in Spanish at university). Upon gaining approval as a full member of SurrogacyUK, Caz wasted no time in reaching out to Liz and Richard.

The anticipation was thrilling; she was on the cusp of fulfilling a lifelong dream. Would they like her? Would they be open to embarking on this journey together? Luckily, they said yes!

As she gradually disclosed her surrogacy intentions to friends and family, she received a mixed bag of reactions. But Caz, being the remarkable woman she is, took it all in her stride. She responded to concerns and queries with patience, advocating for surrogacy as something perfectly ‘normal.’

Caz often muses that if she could package and sell the feeling of watching new parents meet their child for the first time, she’d be rolling in millions! This overwhelming joy, second only to having her own daughter, is something she believes she’ll never experience again.

Over the years, Caz deepened her involvement with SurrogacyUK, taking on multiple roles such as Events Coordinator, Trustee, and leading IP Support. She is tremendously honoured to have played a significant part in promoting surrogacy as a legitimate and celebrated path to parenthood in the 21st century.

Her relationships within the surrogacy community have proven instrumental in helping her decide whom she wishes to aid in having a baby. Caz has been fortunate to have mostly smooth surrogacy journeys, empathising with those who face difficulties such as multiple failed transfers or team breakdowns.

Surrogacy has left an indelible impact on Caz, her family, and her current partner. She maintains robust, respectful relationships with all the parents she’s assisted and their children. They’ve all collectively earned the nickname ‘Caz’s Superteam,’ a title that both embarrasses and fills Caz with enormous pride. Her dad often visits the third couple she helped, and her sister is very close to the last couple for whom she carried two little girls.

For anyone considering dipping their toes into the world of surrogacy, Caz recommends reaching out to other surrogates. Genuine support and real-life experiences await those who decide to venture down this incredibly rewarding path, just as our phenomenal Chester mum, Caz, did a decade ago.

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